
Friday, 19 June 2009

Its "official" - you are a part of The Family

Spent a few hours online today with your aunt, uncle & cousins, it was lovely to catch up with them. I cannot believe how much I have missed having them around. But over the past couple of weeks I think I have spoken to them more that I ever did before.

I did tell them all about you & they also hope they get to met you one day. I'm so happy that they reacted to you in this way. But this is Ray's family so their reaction shouldn't surprise me! One of your cousins kept saying that he was pleased to have a older cousin in Greece.

If Uma & Baba react to you the same way it will be official & Ray was your "dad". So if I ever get to meet you, you will have a lot of family to catch up with.

For now, having The Family back is great. I have pointed them in direction of this blog and I hope they will read this one day as I hope you will.

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