
Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Back in Athens after 18 years

After spending years wanting to go back to Athens, I final bit the bullet and booked my trip.

Arrived this morning to the my "hometown" and its new airport to discover that the metro from the airport to Central Athens was closed for refurbishment. Having met some Kiwi's no the airport at least have some company on my way to Larrisa Station (you from back in the days will recall our fun there).

However, our train takes us to Ago Lision, which I cannot remember at all, when we finally arrive at Larissa Station or as it is now called Athina get out and do not recognized a thing.

Finally, I find myself on Lission and start walking toward Platiea Vathias where I'm staying. Soon, spot Mikael Vola Street and finally have know where I am.

After checking into my hotel Aristotles, not to bad for being a 2-star, I wander Arharnon Street toward my old "home" at Ferron Street, and find to my shock and horror that Joy's Hotel is still there but is now an apartment block.

Then decide to wander up to where Iokastis used to be, that appears to have been converted to a bank.

At least there is still a patisserie at Platiea Viktoria and a sandwich shop by the underground station. I end up, after craving solovakies for years, in a place which promises me that they have done slovakies since 1969, thinking it must be proper slolvakies. But no, no pita bread, no tzatiski but they tasted good and the place served Amstel Beer.

Decide to check out Hotel Zorba's and find despite google, that they are apparently no longer a backpacker hostel, if they are my current hotel is more backpacker friendly.

Even, Athens Connection which thanks to Claus I know is no longer a hostel has changed beyond recognition.

On a plus note my hotel serves Amstel beer (cans at 2 euro's a pop) and a local shop does the 500ml glass bottles at 88 cents.

Tomorrow, is another day, I am checking out Monestraki and will check out Aphrodite and Diethnes hopefully they are more recognizable. Hopefully, I can also upload some photo's which I cannot do from my hotel.


  1. When did you work in Iokastis? I worked there during the same period. Were you a runner?

  2. Anonymous, I worked in Iokastis in the Autumn 1990 to January 1991. I did a bit of running but worked mainly the reception and also ran the bar there during the winter.

    Just realised that my email link is no longer working and have fixed that.

  3. hello, i stayed 3 nights at joy hostel (during one of my two interrail journys) in june 1982,at the roof .the hostel was very crowded,but i have had a good time.joop from holland


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