
Sunday, 26 April 2009

Still trying to decide what to do!!

I can only assume that your (adoptive) father is not going to send me any information about you nor is it likely he will ever tell you that you were adopted. So my hope is that your (adoptive) mother has more sense and tell you at some stage.

For now I at least can "keep up" and get to know your through your social network profile. I know that you are you back at your campus today and that you are looking forward to it.

A funny thing with us is that when I was your age I too went to live a school (not the same as you my school was more of a gap year thing) as far as possible away from where I grew up. But if I have read you profile right you are studying public relations which is actually the route I was considering at you age, I was studying marketing - you see we are not that different. I also get the sense that you know something is up - but that might be wishful thinking on my part.

Since finding your profile and seen your picture (I have been sad and put your picture as a wallpaper on my phone and on the shop's desktop), I cannot stop showing you off. If you ever came to the shop were I work you would be recognised. But everyone says how handsome you are and that you look like me. Please put some more pictures on there!

Yesterday, I found out that if I contacted you directly I would not be breaking any laws nor would I get the person who got me your details in trouble - I don't want to take that risk yet - as I cannot be sure how you will react.

My current plan is somewhat more high risk - rather than going to Athens for my 40th birthday, I will go to the town where your campus is (if you are still there). As long as I can see you in person I would be ever so happy, but I am still not sure if I could approach you - hopefully if I did see you, you would "recognise" me and you be able to make the initial approach. This is probably not going to happen but who know it might. But I have a feeling that if you see me you will realise we are at least related.

I am still considering if I should put something in here that I know you might google so you can stumble across this blog. I should probably put a picture on my Greek social network account, but I prefer to keep it as low key as possible (just so I can keep a "eye" on you that way).

But I just have this feeling that this year is the year for us to make contact - but I don't want it to go "wrong" in any way, shape or form.

I just hope that you will not hate me if we make contact and that you will want to have me in your life

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