
Monday, 13 April 2009

It is you!!!!

I did something naughty today, I set up another profile on the social networking site I thought I found you on, just so I could check out your profile. (As a side note I notice I direct these post directly to you now rather that talking about you in the third person).

It is too many coincidence that this is not you, even if your birth year is wrong, but I have a feeling this is a thing a lot of teenagers do.

Looking at the profile I am more and more certain that you are my son. I can see some resemblance in the picture, although the bad news is that I don't think you was conceived in Ios, which means that your dad must have been Ali (you are a Greek of Norwegian/Iranian decent, nice combination).

But it looks like we like similar things, I think we have similar tastes in movies, music and computer games. The only thing that concerns me is that it looks like you might be at university in Northern Greece, so you might not be around in September. I am still hoping that I will have a positive response to my letter to your (adoptive) dad. It might also have something to do with why I haven't heard anything back yet. Your profile also explain another thing I found online which I thought was you, when I show that to my flatmate she said she could see a similarity.

I hope that over the next few weeks in some sort of strange way you might realised that I want to get to know you and you post some more photo's of yourself.

In the meantime, I have to resist the temptation to make direct contact, as I am still not what you have been told. Just know that I want to meet you sooner rather than later and that I love you.

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