
Saturday, 15 May 2010

"Normal" service resumes

The other week I was feeling absolutely shit.. now two weeks later I'm "back to normal".

I knew when I wrote my last post that I was being paranoid and what I was feeling wasn't reality. As soon as I had posted the entry for that day, I chatted to both your Cousin 1 & 2, they both cheered me up. I was also surprised of how many people who came up and told me that they loved and cared about me. That is what you get for feeling sorry for yourself.

I even got an email from a fellow runner... sent him and quick message back but still haven't heard anything...but that's life. Also, Big Brother and his wife has started to call me on a regular basis and I even spoke to Weird Brother today.

Weird Brother told me Baba was with Little Sister so I will have to call them tomorrow... I was hoping he would go there, so that is great news and hopefully that will mean that I get to see him more often.

Just finished having a long chat online with an old mate and I'm hoping to catch up with him next weekend... I haven't seen him for a while but hopefully we will be back to "our old selves" and nothing will have changed in our friendship - online we are the same.

OK this post is going to be a bit of a ramble... but as I said normal service has resumed.

The current situation in Greece quite extraordinary, but every time there are something on the news, I'm glued to the screen looking out for you. The thought of you demonstrating against the austerity measures, fills me with pride - because I know there are more to those demonstrations than the rest of Europe sees. Just the thought of you standing up and fighting for what you believe in is great and I sort of hope that you are there on the front-line - at the same time I want you to be careful and not come to any harm of course.

So just know your mum is very proud of you and loves you loads xx

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