This blog is sort of my open letter to my 25 year old son, although other thoughts and musings finds itself a place there also.
A lot has changed in my life since my blog started and my son has a large family who would one day love to meet him.
However, as with any adoption there are loads of issues that will need to be considered before we can make contact, so any suggestions are welcome!
Καλά Χριστούγεννααγόριμου Ελπίζω μόνοναείχε μιαμεγάλημέρα καιεύχομαιήταν εκεί μαζί σας σήμερα. Τοκαλύτερο της τύχηςμε τον ανταγωνισμότου αύριο. Είστεπάνταστην καρδιά μουκαισ 'αγαπώγιο.